10 events found.
The Spirit of Harriet Tubman
The Atlanta Black Theatre Festival Online. There will be two airings of The Spirit of Harriet Tubman Wednesday September 30, 10:00 am and Thursday October 1 at 7:00 pm. The festival offers a full slate of theatre by African American performers with the slogan "Four Days of Black Plays". Go to https://atlantabtf.org/ for more information #ABTF2020 #BlackTheatreatHome, #WeMustTellOurStories, #ArtHeals. @AtlantaBTF.
Things My Fore-Sisters Saw
Idea Exchange , CanadaThis program is delivered through Zoom. You only need to register once per viewing device.
Things My Fore-Sisters Saw
Theatre Orangeville 87 Broadway, Orangeville, OntarioThings My Fore-Sisters Saw
Theatre Orangeville 87 Broadway, Orangeville, OntarioMore Info Coming Soon.
Things My Fore-Sisters Saw
Theatre Orangeville 87 Broadway, Orangeville, OntarioMore Info Coming Soon.
Things My Fore-Sisters Saw
Theatre Orangeville 87 Broadway, Orangeville, OntarioMore Info Coming Soon.
Things My Fore-Sisters Saw
Theatre Orangeville 87 Broadway, Orangeville, OntarioMore Info Coming Soon.
Things My Fore-Sisters Saw
Theatre Orangeville 87 Broadway, Orangeville, OntarioMore Info Coming Soon.
Things My Fore-Sisters Saw
Theatre Orangeville 87 Broadway, Orangeville, OntarioMore Info Coming Soon.
Things My Fore-Sisters Saw
Theatre Orangeville 87 Broadway, Orangeville, OntarioMore Info Coming Soon.