About Leslie

Actor | Playwright | Dancer | Choreographer | Singer | Mentor


As the recipient of the 2014 and 2000 Mayor’s Awards for "Artist of the Year" and "Outstanding Performing Artist” of Windsor Ontario, Leslie McCurdy has forged her career entertaining audiences internationally. 

She obtained an honours B.F.A. in dance with a teaching certificate from the University of Michigan, then served as choreographer and teaching assistant to Judith Jamison of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre for several of her Detroit residencies.

A Message from Leslie

Hello Friends! As always, I hope that all is well with everyone.

Whew! It has been a busy little while. I have traveled extensively in the past year with performances in Ontario, Florida, Georgia, Ohio, Michigan, New York, California, Arkansas, Washington, Oregon, Illinois, Kentucky, Nevada; heading soon to Virginia and Wisconsin. My next year is already booking for "The Spirit of Harriet Tubman" and I'll be showcasing "Lady Ain't Singin' No Blues" at APAP in NYC in January so, fingers crossed, that will soon be presented too. I am doing that show with the talented Nicholas (Nick) Mustapha from Orangeville Ontario.

It was an honour and a privilege to work with all of the people who helped to bring "The Darktown Strutters Ball" to the stage. Full disclosure. I did not want to go to Orangeville at first. The thought of being away from home for 6 weeks straight had me nearly in a panic. I know, I tour and am away a lot, but those are short junkets where I come home in between. I'm a "home body" as my mom would say. I like to be in my own space by myself. Once I got there, however, I was with my people! I love rehearsing a show, especially a musical with singing and dancing. I didn't actually realize that I had written a full-fledged "historical musical review". I hate having a "day job" but David, Paula, Cassel, Candice and Nick made it something I looked forward to. The show got great reviews! I hope we get to do it again. Nick, the musical director, is going to join me in that capacity and as accompanist in my Billie Holiday show. I'm looking forward to that. He is good!

Anyways, enough of that. Do check my schedule from time to time to see if I'll be at a theatre near you. If so, I hope you'll come see the show! ...Or, if you're a presenter, contact my agent, the wonderful Mr. Owen Kirschner of Kirschner Creative Artists and he'll help you book a performance. Thanks Everybody! May your days be full of wonder!

Take good care.

Peace and Blessings, Love and Light,
